health marketing & promotion >
350+ successfully delivered health and community projects of all types and sizes, for clients including...
> enliven (12+)
> Decision Assist (50+)
> Fight Cancer Foundation (20+)
> South Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local (45+)
> Inner Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local (40+)
> North East Valley Division of General Practice (90+), Eastern Metropolitan Palliative Care Consortium, Diabetes Victoria, Northern Melbourne Medicare Local, Inner East Primary Care Network, Central Highlands GP Network, MEGPN (Melbourne Eastern GP Newtwork)
GND fosters a partnership approach with a strong marketing/comms focus, based on agreed processes, outcomes, budgets and timelines.
Project experience includes:
> corporate branding, logos, stationery, collateral
> brochures, leaflets, pamphlets, booklets, calendars
> postcards, fact sheets, maps, info graphics
> invitations, certificates
> banners, signage, display, posters
> annual reports, project summaries and reports
> community engagement
> binder resources, manuals
> training materials, forms
> DVD packaging and supply
> MS Word templates
> pdf resources, web and social media images
enliven / AMES - pocket health guides (7) for new arrivals
adapting and redesigning existing artwork, co-ordinating edits and translations, print management
enliven approached GND seeking advice and costings on how to design and print deliver seven matching translated booklets (in 7 languages) explaining to new arrivals and refugees about available health services. Part of the booklet design was the need to incorporate a tear out panel that recipients could fill out under supervision, that contained their core individual health and contact data, to help overcome potential language and administrative barriers to health access. The booklets themselves involved left to right, and right to left, reading directions, and a 6 panel fold out cover. GND liaises with printers to formulate a production approach and deliver stapled booklets in all 7 languages.
“It's been really great to work with you on this one, It was such a complicated project's always a really easy and seamless experience and we always have a good time along the way. What more could you ask for! Thanks so much again for all the work you have done for enliven. I know management are so thrilled with everything you've done and are really keen to have you continuing to do our design work when needed. ​​
Mitchell Bowden
Manager, Health Promotions & Innovations, enliven
decision assist​ - national GP education program
training materials, publications, reports, stationery, brochures, word templates, pdfs
GND worked closely with the National Project Officer to provide an evolving range of interrelated, state-specific training documents, forms, resources and supporting collateral, involving both external and in-house print reproduction. Central to the exercise was binder pre-printed with generic inserts for cover, spine and eight tabbed divider. Documents were producted in a combination of Adobe InDesign (and pdf), and Microsoft Word formats, depending on the application and end-user functionallity required. The urgent nature of the work required regular out of hours and occasional on-site availablilty.
“Grant Nelson and his work are simply fantastic! He has worked closely with me to produce an extensive range of material for Australian Government funded national projects in the health sector for two organisations, including a major Melbourne teaching hospital. His skills, creativity and capacity to deliver within, at times, almost impossible timeframes, are such that I could not imagine any other graphic designer being able to achieve what he has for our projects.” ​​
Clare Chiminello
Project Coordinator, National GP Education ProgramDecision Assist
give a care
GAC is a niche, start-up provider looking to work with clients who are elibible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. They needed a logo and intial branding (bus card, letterhead and email tag, along with basic style guide) that was distincitive and positive, to help them launch into the market. Based on a comprehensive brief and a preference to use the 'Ankh' symbol in some way, GND developed a number of concept proposals, including a character that represented both 'Ankh' and the concept of juggling different issues and services. Working in tandem with GAC, GND develop the final refined version shown. The logo and core stationery work was turned around in 4 weeks (over Christmas). GND also helped 'workshop' the tagline - a team effort - and prepared indicative web layouts for the client to consider.
“Just a quick thank you for all your great work with us over the last month or so.
Also thank you for jumping on board so quickly with what Give a Care is about and how we want to present ourselves to the world ... it was lovely to end up with a group of great people working together and coming to an end product that that we are all very, very happy with.
Anna Brazier
Director, Give a Care
fight cancer foundation
donation campaign print collateral and social media images (various)
GND was engaged to enhance the use of existing branding with application to the regular dontation appeal campaigns.This involved the replication and enhancement of donor response forms, covering letter and donor premiums, which varied from campaign to campaign. GND worked closely with the general manager, fund raising manager and in-house social media officer, to generate the necessary print-ready items, and then create a complementary range of social media images.
more > Due to circumstances, the images supplied were of a variable quality, so much Photoshop enhancement was required to maximise the result. Short turnarounds were also required.
south eastern melbourne medicare local / secada
branding, stationery, display & print collateral
SEMML commissioned GND to create a logo, branding and collateral for secada, a consortium of six organisations committed to reducing alcohol and other drug use, improving health outcomes and reconnecting families and communities in Melbourne's south east region. The brand needed to refflect the stakeholders, SEMML's existing branding, and promote a positive and friendly profile to potential clients. From a range of options, SEMML chose a logo concept which was then applied (on short turnaround) to a rolling range of items including appointment cards, stationery, banner, brochure and referral card, including stakeholder logos where appropriate.
more > GND contributed copy writing (brochure) and text suggestions to help promote key messages and functionallity for end users. GND also provided print for all items, with deadlines linked to key presentation and launch events.
south eastern melbourne medicare local (SEMML)
Afghan Community Project - various
SEMML commissioned GND to design and print produce a range of community resources to promote mental and general health access in the local Afghan community. Direction and feedback came from SEMML via a community working party. The aim was to create a look that would resonate with the target audience, using Afghan national colours, and create a sense of accessibility and support. Items included: calendar, postcards, DVD and educator storyboards.
more > GND helped guide SEMML on a technology path with the translators to ensure efficient and accurate translation of selected text in all items, to create a final bi-lingual resource. GND also provided print and DVD duplication advice and packaging solutions.
“We want to say how much we have appreciated all the beautiful resources you have made for us! ... we have had so much fantastic feedback from the community and other providers.” ​​
Mitchell Bowden, Health Promotions Program Officer
Ann Brazier, Senior Project Officer
Krystall Hall, Communications Manager
north east valley division of general pracitice
ATAPS bushfire services DL & poster
In the wake of the bushfire tragedy of 2009, NEVDGP needed to develop a campaign to promote available government psychological and counselling services to both residents and health professionals in it's region, centering on the Kinglake area. NEVDGP felt developing a pair of DL brochures and a poster would be the best resource for making that information available.
more > Importantly, these items needed to 'reach' the target demographic, so they needed to be presented in plain language, yet still get the message across while trying to overcome the fears and doubts of potential beneficiaries. GND wrote all the content for the DLs, developed and sourced the entire concept, imgaes and themes, and managed and provided print for all items.
“The Division is most appreciative of your ability to sensitively and engagingly develop these vital materials from the bare facts of the project. We have received much positive feedback from the government and consumers, and interest from other Divisions to replicate your work. Many thanks." ​
Ken Mansbridge
CEO, North East Valley Division of General Practice
south eastern melbourne medicare local / local link
As part of a rebranding project, SEMML asked GND to refresh the design of it's staff and stakeholder newsletter. Carrying across the elements of the rebranding, GND redeveloped the look and feel of the publication and continues to produce what was generally a monthly 4 page A4 production. To keep information as current as possible, the design and prepress of Local Link was generally turned around in three to four days, including SEMML corrections.
more > GND developed a secondary colour pallete to go with the exisiting SEMML branding, which is used to help differentiate from issue to issue. GND offered advice on article and page structure, helping with pull quote selection and restructured content as appropriate for page layout. GND provides press and web final pdf file formats to SEMML, who managed their own print.
central highlands gp network
DL 3-fold brochures & poster
CHGPN wanted to produce a family of brochures and supporting poster to promote a variety of mental health support services under ATAPS funding. The design needed to complement existing CHGPN branding but at the same time present engagingly to the target demographic. Working closely with the assigned CHGPN Project Officer, GND developed design proposals and worked through an extensive amendment process.
more > GND wrote the initial copy for all brochures, and proposed cover image and titling themes to best convey the subject to the target audience. GND also searched and provided all images. Once the brochures and poster were evolved to 'final' GND sourced, managed and supplied a mixture of offset and digital print solutions for each component.
inner east primary care partnership
Chronic Care Toolkit manual​​​​​​
IEPCP were looking to professionally publish their comprehensive, special project 'toolkit' - a 48 page A4 publication – primarily for electronic (pdf) download from their website. Based on revised branding guidelines produced previously by GND, a sample cover / text page design was proposed, amended and approved. Refinements, amendments and corrections were worked through, leading to a final sign off, then created the downloadable pdf, including basic page navigation and hotlinks to websites etc.
more > GND sourced the cover image, and also created an interactive pdf of one section of Appendix A for users to be able to key in information directly.
"Thanks for designing a document that we are proud of. It was great to work with someone that values consultation so much.'​
Jane Henty
Coordinator- Integrated Chronic Disease Management,
Inner East Primary Care Partnership