reports, manuals & self-publishing >
an organised approach and process...
> strategy / brief / print spec
> agreed process & responsibilities
> establishing timelines
> costing
> initial design proposal(s)
> full layout
> progress drafts
> final approval
> final delivery
Multi-page reports, manuals, booklets, self-published books and other multi-page documents benefit from an organised approach, with firm, agreed understandings of process, mutual responsibilities and timelines.
These documents generally incorporate existing branding, perhaps with the addition of some distinctive complimentary graphic elements, to give the document a different profile to other organisational documents.
The examples shown all involved a strong partnership approach.
This process usually benefits from a consultative approach – first establishing an understanding of the document's purpose and the author's vision, then developing a full brief and timeline, reviewing branding or visual themes, and then preparing initial design proposals, which once approved, formed the basis of the full layout.
Consideration is also given to print and electronic versions.
A series of drafts, corrections and some form of final proof normally precede a final document approval.
Information for self-publishers >
For an explanatory guide to a proposed process and other self-publishing considerations, download 'Book Design - graphic design & print management for self-publishers' >
'Once a Refugee'
self-published book
The author had been working on the content for several years, and was looking for guidance on how to turn her text into a published reality. She was after a quality, hard cover, 'coffee table' end product. The resultant process took several months, starting with sample cover and text pages, and as the fully designed pages took shape, we collectively and progressively revisited the content and images, resulting in multiple drafts, amendments, deletions and additions. We worked closely side by side to honour Lana's life journey, and ensure we created a family legacy document.
more > GND sourced cover and additional images, provided ongoing suggestions on all aspects of the project, all with cost-efficiency and a quality result in mind. GND sourced a hard-cover printer, and managed paper and binding specifications through to final proofing and delivery (45 copies).
"Thank you for patiently and gently guiding me and helping me refine my approach, for so generously allowing the book to have its own energy and to develop at its own pace, for the laughter, good will and conversations along the way, and your artistry in creating the final product."
Lana Malakunas
'Between the Flags'
self-published book
The author was looking to major publishers for his passion project, but eventually went down the self-publishing path. As an experienced journalist, the content was well taken care of, but due to the end print configuration, and available images, we needed to establish a careful strategy for dealing with the photographic sections. A striking and engaging cover concept was also needed. Book format was paper back, totalling 338 pages. Commercially printed 2000 copies.
more > GND liaised with author's printer, and provided related advertising, brochure and social artwork and designed/supplied a retail table throw for Ian's market presence.
"Grant played a vital role in the publication of my book ... his professionalism was essential to problem solving and a successful outcome."
Ian Munro
essential lawn guide manual
TurfBreed wanted to provide it's turf grower clients (and their customers) with a comprehensive, user-friendly reference manual to showcase it's available turf varieties and their features, and provide advice on weed and pest control, and lawn preparation, care and maintenance. The document needed to adhere to branding, and utilise the available image resources. GND recommended a robust, coil bound, tabulated A4 manual totalling 168 pages, which featured a fold-out front cover featuring a 'quick reference guide' table for all of TurfBreed's varieties.
more > After research, GND provided final design and arranged a short run print, along with a custom mailing box, labelling and addressing process. The Essential Lawn Guide has subsequently been issued in pdf format in specific sections that are individually grower branded.
"Thanks Grant. We are thrilled with the end result and your guidance through the process. Our growers love it and we are very proud of this resource."
Steve Burt
General Manager, TurfBreed
annual report
Having previously self-published their own Annual Report, VRFish were looking to align their 2015 – 2016 Annual Report with their other GND-designed corporate documents (Business Plan, Strategic Plan), branded publications and promotional communications. GND quickly developed an initial draft design proposal, and then integrated other images VRFish preferred for this publication. Design through to final files to the printer occurred in 4 weeks, including all amendments and corrections.
"Wow! It looks great. So much better! … Well done again."
Dallas D’Silva
General Manager
Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body
annual report
enliven were looking for a fresh approach to their annual report, based on their current branding, colour scheme etc., available imagery and previous work done by GND on other enliven reports and collateral. GND developed intitial cover and page design proposals, refined these in terms of changing content, and then laid out the complete report for approval/corrections. GND also provided print and print management.
more > GND provided pdf low res and reformatted versions for web download.
"You are wonderful Grant - thank you so much. I saw the printed version in the office today - I LOVE IT!"
Cinzia Theobald
Director Programs & Communications
give a care
customer services booklet
After developing the initial logo and branding, working closely with GAC, GND developed a client-focussed handbook, with a distinct brief to maintain the friendly, bright and empathetic nature of the brand, with an easy-to-read and navigate promotional and client resource. Using mostly stock photos and applying and evolving the GAC branding, a 16 page A5 booklet was the result.
more > GND provided design, copy writing and editing suggestions, helped restructure the text for consistency and legibility, and arranged print. GND also advised GAC on providing photos of their newly GND-designed van with branded signage, for use in the booklet.
annual report
Having previously self-published their own Annual Report, VRFish were looking to align their 2015 – 2016 Annual Report with their other GND-designed corporate documents (Business Plan, Strategic Plan), branded publications and promotional communications. GND quickly developed an initial draft design proposal, and then integrated other images VRFish preferred for this publication. Design through to final files to the printer occurred in 4 weeks, including all amendments and corrections.
"Wow! It looks great. So much better! … Well done again."
Dallas D’Silva
General Manager
Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body
south eastern melbourne medicare local
annual report
SEMML wanted to 'upgrade' the presentation of their 2104 Annual Report to reflect the branding development implemented by GND on a range of their other print collateral. GND worked with SEMML's Comms Manager Krystal Hall to develop the document structure and consistent treatment of content, and developed graphic elements utilising a secondary colour palette developed earlier by GND to apply to the various project areas within SEMML.
more > GND worked on-site at SEMML in the later stages of production, to facilitate images placement, and work through final amendments, to ensure the production deadline was met GND also provided print and pdf versions of the final document.
business plan
VRFish wanted to refresh and lift the look of its corporate strategic plan, and to align the look and feel of the document with other publications and promotions GND had recently created. The supplied Word doc was reworked into tables within Adobe InDesign, and a simple, colour coded treatment, along with ghosted background images, were added, align with a refined hierarchy of type and headings, text styles etc.
more > GND proposed and developed an iconography for the recurring legend of responsibilities, for better visual effectiveness and reader comprehension. The report was delivered as pdf only.
"Wow! It looks great. So much better! … Well done again."
Dallas D’Silva
General Manager
Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body
ACP consortium
consortium bid document
GND was asked to urgently put together a more presentable presentation of the Consortiums final bid document. Based on a supplied Word doc, GND prepared a restyled doc, dealt with supplied logos and helped refine the hierarchy of content including headers, text styles etc. Multiple amendments and corrections were made on the fly. Document was produced for pdf transmission only at this point.
more > GND worked out of hours and over a weekend to deliver the final document to meet deadline. Later, a Word doc conversion was done to the original pdf file.
"Brilliant! That’s it from me. Hope you have a good sleep, and thanks a million."
Clare Chiminello
Project Officer
citrus australia
strategic R&D plan
CA via publisher AgriHort Communications wanted to create a ‘document within a document’ version of their strategic plan to be carried to members via their regular Australian Citrus magazine. The brief was to complement the style of the magazine, and corporate branding, but deliver a distinctive document that clearly promoted CAs strategic vision for the industry. The document was also to form the basis of possible follow up reports, surveys etc.
more > The strategic plan design and layout was delivered within the normal timeline scope for the magazine, and provided in a variety of formats for CA’s ongoing use.
north east valley division of general practice
EBPRAC modules
NEVDGP needed to produce a series of practical modules relating to their EBRPAC A Good Death in Residential Care, with medication and other advice for GPs and Nurses. They had put a lot of work into the content and it was important to translate this to a functional and consistent design and layout. Design was based on an earlier A5 brochure done on promoting the EBPRAC project. Due to the vital nature of the content, multiple rounds of checks and amendments were made in consultation, resulting in final files for print and pdf distribution.
more > GND developed the EBPRAC logo as a separate initial project. GND helped NEVDGP with clarifying a consistent hierarchy of heading levels and content styles, and managed and supplied digital printing of the completed series.
inner east primary care partnership
Chronic Care Toolkit manual
IEPCP were looking to professionally publish their comprehensive, special project 'toolkit' - a 48 page A4 publication – primarily for electronic (pdf) download from their website. Based on revised branding guidelines produced previously by GND, a sample cover / text page design was proposed, amended and approved. Refinements, amendments and corrections were worked through, leading to a final sign off, then created the downloadable pdf, including basic page navigation and hotlinks to websites etc.
more > GND sourced the cover image, and also created an interactive pdf of one section of Appendix A for users to be able to key in information directly.
"Thanks for designing a document that we are proud of. It was great to work with someone that values consultation so much."
Jane Henty
Coordinator- Integrated Chronic Disease Management,
Inner East Primary Care Partnership
citrus australia
quality standards manual
CA wanted to produce a field resource manual highlighting testing procedures and standards, for its grower members. Working closely with their IDO Nathan Hancock, and publisher AgriHort Communications, GND developed an economical, clear layout, and proposed an A5 format, wiro bound booklet format for easy handling on-site.
more > GND produced a serious of annual updates to keep members informed. GND organised the printing and provided electronic format documents for CA’s website and other distribution.